In Clinic Services
Williams Lake Physio offers professional treatment for musculoskeletal conditions such as sprains, strains, back, shoulder and neck pain and arthritis. We can also help address women’s health related issues as well as bursitis, posture problems, sports injuries, workplace injuries and reduced mobility.

Workplace Injuries
Williams Lake Physiotherapy has service contracts with both WorkSafe BC and ICBC.
Clients seeking physiotherapy services following a work-related injury do not pay any user fee. Please note that you will require a valid claim number from WorkSafe BC and a valid BC care card number. Clients with a pending claim, claim under appeal, claim on hold for any reason, or those without a claim number will be subject to our regular private rates.
Clients seeking physiotherapy services following a motor vehicle accident (MVA) will require a valid claim number and pre-approval from an ICBC adjuster in order to receive treatment. Clients without approval or a valid claim number will be subject to our private rates.

Automotive Injuries – ICBC
The Williams Lake Physiotherapy clinic is registered with ICBC to treat patients that were injured in a car crash.
Clients seeking physiotherapy services following a motor vehicle accident (MVA) will require a valid claim number and pre–approval from an ICBC adjuster in order to receive treatment. Clients without approval or a valid claim number will be subject to our private rates.

Sprains & Strains
A sprain often occurs when the body experiences an unexpected force causing a stretch, rupture or tear of the ligament holding the bones together.
Common symptoms of a sprain include swelling, inflammation, limited or no mobility, and the inability to bear weight at the injured joint.
A strain, commonly referred to as a “pulled muscle”, occurs when the muscle fibres or a tendon, which connects the muscle to bone, is excessively stretched or even partially torn.
Common symptoms of a strain include inflammation, muscle cramping and spasms, limited mobility, and decreased strength.
At Williams Lake Physiotherapy, the rehabilitation process includes an initial assessment to determine the injured structures e.g. joint or muscle, followed by an individualized treatment plan to decrease pain and improve mobility.
Proper footwear, proprioception

Dry Needling
Dry needling treats muscle tissue, and its goal is to reduce pain, inactivate trigger points and restore function.
It rarely is a standalone procedure. Rather, it often is part of a broader physical therapy approach incorporating other traditional physical therapy interventions into treatment. Dry needling is a treatment performed by skilled, trained physical therapists, certified in the procedure.

Women’s health
Pelvic floor dysfunction is very common among women, but can also affect men. Commonly, those with pelvic floor dysfunction experience incontinence, urinary/fecal leakage, pelvic prolapses, and pelvic pain.
- Common symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction can include urgency incontinence (overactive bladder), frequency incontinence, leakage when laughing or coughing, pelvic or tailbone pain.
- Leakage with coughing, laughing (stress incontinence), urgency, frequent urination (frequency incontinence), overactive bladder, and pain. Pelvic pain can be general pain in the pelvic and surrounding areas, pain with intercourse, or coccyx pain. Pelvic organ prolapse can present with pain, feeling of heaviness or physical protrusion of a pelvic organ structure.
- At Williams Lake Physiotherapy, a comprehensive assessment is completed to determine the main problem, followed by a treatment plan and goal. The treatment includes education on the pelvic floor by use of a pelvic model, followed by an exercise program to activate and strengthen the pelvic floor and surrounding muscles.
- Pelvic pain may have different factors affecting your symptoms. Different strategies are used to treat pelvic pain such as manual therapies, breathing techniques, exercises, and stretches.
Prevention of pelvic floor dysfunction includes pre-natal services in order to help new mothers during their pregnancy while also supporting them following the birth of their new baby.

Orthopaedic and Post Operative Rehabilitation
At Williams Lake Physiotherapy, we support those who underwent orthopaedic surgery e.g. joint replacements, rotator cuff repairs, ACL reconstructions etc.
At Williams Lake Physiotherapy, an initial assessment will be conducted to gather all relevant information surrounding your surgery to ensure optimal rehabilitation. Our physiotherapists will also provide education regarding the rehabilitation process, including the correct use of crutches, casts, slings etc.

Vestibular Rehabilitation
The vestibular system is a simple link between your ear and brain, keeping you steady and balanced while moving and performing everyday tasks. Vestibular disorders are produced if this small, yet incredibly important system is damaged in any way.
Vestibular disorders blossom a variety of symptoms, often slightly different for every patient. However, serious dizziness (vertigo) and trouble with balance are frequently reported symptoms.
Vertigo is the sensation of feeling like you are moving when you are not. Furthermore, it presents itself as an intense, room–spinning feeling. This extreme dizziness is prompted by calcium crystals moving to an unnatural area within your ear, telling your brain that your body is in motion – even when you are completely still
Vestibular rehabilitation is a movement exercise–based program, designed by a specialty–trained vestibular physical therapist, to improve balance and reduce problems related to vertigo.

Concussion Management
- Balance rehab
- Nutritional interventions
- Vision rehab
- Cognitive testing
- Integrated manual therapy
- Exercise rehab
- Return to school, work and sport
- Pre-season testing
A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury which can occur with or without a forceful blow to the head. A concussion can greatly impact the function of the brain and overall quality of life.
Common symptoms of concussions can include headaches, nausea or vomiting, blurred vision, fatigue, dizziness, irritability, and sensitivity to light and/ or noise.
- Balance rehab
- Nutritional interventions
- Vision rehab
- Cognitive testing
- Integrated manual therapy
- Exercise rehab
- Return to school, work and sport
- Pre-season testing
Concussion treatment has many benefits including an improvement in balance and vision, as well as decreased neck pain and headaches.
At Williams Lake Physiotherapy, an initial baseline concussion assessment is performed. This includes cognitive and physical tests to create and individualized treatment plan to improve recovery time and quality of life/ daily living.
A baseline concussion test provides an objective assessment tool to compare post-injury tests to and allows a safe return to play or work.
Through CCMI’s clinics and concussion–trained healthcare practitioners, we offer treatment
services and strategies including:
• Exertional testing for return–to–sport readiness and sub–symptom threshold exercise
programs for persistent symptoms
• vestibular, oculomotor, and cervical spine rehabilitation
• balance, reaction time, visual processing, and neurocognitive testing (pre–season baseline
and/or post–injury/return to sport testing)
• Educational resources
During the early stage following injury, a period of relative symptom limited physical and cognitive
rest is recommended. Research suggests 24 to 48 hours, however, these decisions are made on a
case–by–case basis.

Kinesiology is the scientific study of human body movement. Kinesiology addresses physiological, biomechanical, and psychological principles and mechanisms of movement.
We are human movement specialists who provide exercise and lifestyle-based services to enhance your health
Kinesiologists assist the elderly in improving and/or maintaining overall health and wellbeing, disease prevention, fall risk, and improve cognitive abilities.
The primary service of active rehab involves an assessment of patient’s physical function with an individualized exercise program to return patients to regular daily living. Patients with an ICBC claim require a referral from a doctor to begin active rehab.
We provide rehabilitation for those involved in automobile collisions, work related injuries, and regular daily activities, as well as aid in sports injury prevention and recovery, proper technique, and performance.
- Prior to your appointment: A kinesiology appointment will involve the assessment of movement and various exercises/ stretches will be performed. We ask you to come to your appointment in comfortable, non-restrictive clothing to move without limitations.
- Initial kinesiology appointment: During an initial kinesiology appointment, the kinesiologist will gather all relevant information regarding the specific demands of your daily activities. An initial assessment will also involve a movement assessment to determine the injured area.
- Following the movement assessment, the kinesiologist will discuss your treatment goals to create an individualized exercise program specific to your needs, abilities, and injuries.

Sports Injuries
At Williams Lake Physiotherapy, we understand the treatment of sport related injuries is specific given the demands of your sport.
Torn ACL, ankle sprains/ strains etc.
At Williams Lake Physiotherapy, an initial assessment will be completed to determine the injured area, as well as gather information regarding the demands of your sport. This will allow the physiotherapist to create an individualized treatment plan to optimize recovery time and to promote a safe return to play.
Sport injury prevention is a vital part of continued sport participation, therefore, understanding the proper techniques and form for your specific sport will decrease the risk of injury and improve quality of play. At Williams Lake Physiotherapy, our sports physiotherapist will provide the necessary information to improve performance and prevent future injuries through education.

Dynamic Taping
Dynamic Tape is a biomechanical tape which can be used to assist and/or mechanically resist motion across various joints. Dynamic Tape reduces the load placed upon the tendons, ligaments, and muscles involved in those movements.
Dynamic Tape differs from various other tapes as it does not limit the range of motion, but rather absorbs the load placed on the injured or weakened joint. Conversely, the role of kinesiology tape is to alter an individual’s muscle activity by lifting the skin.
At Williams Lake Physiotherapy, we use a biomechanical tape known as Dynamic Tape